1984 is not a Beginner's Guide

  • Play:
  • Song Name: 1984 is Not a Beginner's Guide
  • Artist: Yael Ossowski
  • Album: Liberty In Exile
  • Year: 2013

I'm traveling throughout Canada this week, so here's a re-broadcast of a show from last month!


This 03 June 2013 show was broadcast from the Freiheit Studio in Vienna, Austria on the Liberty Radio Network and the No Agenda Stream.

The week's episode centers on the theme of the novel 1984 by George Orwell. The show is split into three parts, examining the various slogans used by the totalitarian state in the book.

We'll look at Obama pleading for more war, McCain lost in Syria, Jeremy Scahill's new book on covert ops, the surveillance state in the UK, banning child porn, cops who curse, militarizing local police, and the CIA's record of drug dealing during the 1980s.
